Our site has always used a contributed theme as we did not have anyone sponsoring front-end development. When Drupal 10 came along, the theme we were using became unsupported. To keep the site running on the latest Drupal, we shifted to Drupal's default theme. At last, some of our volunteers had time to create a new theme and improved our content architeture at the same time.

Redesign: drupalnyc.org
A new theme and content architecture.
The Improvements

The Prototype theme is contributed and sponsored by Aten Design.

The Schema.org Blueprints module is contributed and supported by The Big Blue House
The Prototype theme
The Prototype theme is a starterkit theme, which means that it generates a stand-alone theme that is not directly dependent on the original theme. Prototype also takes advantage of Drupal's new Single Directory Compnents. These aspects of the new theme will give us a front-end that can continuously improve.
Schema.org Blueprints
The Schema.org Blueprints module makes it easy to map Drupal content to schema.org entities. This mapping is then available to search engines via a JSON-LD header.
Looking for maintainers
If you are a member of the DrupalNYC community and you would like to help maintain either the content or the code for drupalnyc.org, please reach out the Board in our Slack.